Learning to Clear Your Mind of Negative Thoughts
For me, spending time alone and away from the hustle and bustle that we have all come to know as common life, makes it easier to become aware of my self talk.... critical self talk. Life throws us so many road blocks and sometimes traumatic upheavals which are all opportunities to expand and grow. But, who ever told us to embrace all things and allow them to unfold the unkown wisdom and treasures hidden in our hearts. Spending silent time in the morning with a warm cup of tea or coffee and a pen and paper in hand has become my door to all kinds of expanded thoughts and new ideas.... self love and letting go of what hasn't served me! Fear, anger, self doubt, feelings of inadequacy.... Connecting with my Truth and the Oneness that I have come to cherish with All That Is! The most fertile and healing soil lies right within our own being! That is when you notice the shedding of old ways, perceptions, judgements, limited thinking! Simplicity and Harmony is the road that has changed the trajectory of my life.
What a great time to choose to discover yourself! It seems like everything has been accelerated. What took years only takes a moment. Like discovering that for the last 30 something years I have thought that my left shoulder pain was some chronic condition. When just last week I received some information that became a cloud over my emotions and thoughts. I noticed the pain in my shoulder.... but this time, I knew instantly "Stress". I heard, "It's always been stress". I was like "Shit"! I started to breath and release what was not mine and know that All Things Work Together for Good! Part of discovery is how powerful our thoughts are. Especially when mixed with emotion.